Business Plan Assessment


Basic Information

Please set aside 2 hours to complete the form below! Please fill out the information requested below. Do not continue filling out this document if you do not wish to move forward with 50 State Start-Up Challenge. Along with filling out this document, you give 50 State Start-Up Challenge permission to speak with you (the business owner) about your business. Unless expressed in written format, no one else (not including a lawyer, accountant, and/or majority owner) from your team will be allowed to communicate with 50 State Start-Up Challenge unless listed on this form. Thanks in advance. Please note that every summary within this form is not required for your business plan. If you see a section "Summary" that is not contained within your business plan when you get to that section make sure to input "N/A" because that field is not valid for your Business Plan Assessment.

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About You

Company or Project Repersentitive

Please provide your suggested edits **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Cover Page & NDA relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Cover Page & NDA, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Company Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Company Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Market Analysis Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Market Analysis, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a relevant Social Media & Web documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Social Media & Web Summary,

Please provide your suggested edits **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Operational Plan Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Operational Plan Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits above. **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Resumes, projects, management details that are relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Management Plan Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits above. **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Resumes, projects, management details that are relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Management Plan Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits above. **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Executive Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Executive Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits above. **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Services Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Services Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits above. **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Products Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Product Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits above. **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Marketing Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Marketing Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits above. **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Manufacturing Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Manufacturing Summary, please upload it here for review.

Please provide your suggested edits **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Intellectual Property Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review or input "N/A" to continue.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Intellectual Property Summary

Please provide your suggested edits **please note: all edits are suggested until finalized / approved by Limitless Ideas, LLC to be added to your plan ** if there is no edit needed in this section, please input "N/A" as all fields are required.

Please feel free to use bullet points, links to other PDF or word documents to help you convey to me your potential edits.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you already have any relevant to upload for this Risk Analysis Summary, please upload it here for review.

if you already have a previous version of your business plan, please upload it here for review.

If you have any Risk Analysis Summary relevant documents, please upload it here for review.

Company Information

What are your key points for this project and / or company If you do not know, please type "N/A"

if you plan on using this business plan to aqurie financing, what are you plans for potential monies gained by this business plan. If you do not know, please type "N/A"

In your own words, how will you know that this business/project is an success? what are your markers / milestones for success? If you do not know, please type "N/A"

Do you or your company own any Intellectual Property Rights/Assignments If you do not know, please type "N/A"

How would you like to be contacted?